Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Watch Out CryptoLocker is About!

Over the past few weeks we have heard an alarming increase in reports of malware known as CryptoLocker.

What is CryptoLocker?

CrytoLocker is known as 'Ransom Ware' as it encrypts popular file formats such as JPG, PDF, DOCX...etc on your hard drive and even on mapped drives then demand a ransom (usually around $300) to decrypt them.

It usually arrives in the form of an email attachment from a seemingly trusted source such as 'HMRC'.

How to Protect Your Data

Firstly ensure your Anti Virus is working correctly and up to date.

  • As a general rule do not open attachments from unknown sources or from emails which appear to be from a legitimate source but are suspicious. HMRC and parchel carriers are a particular disguise for this sort of attack. Be vigilant and question emails you are not expecting.
  • Keep all your PC's patched and up to date with the current security patches.
  • Make regular backups of your important files. 
  • Make sure your Anti Virus Software is working correctly and is up to date.

More details and a good explanation of this malware type can be found in these articles...


It is worth noting that since the main cause of this infection is a spoofed email then if you have our cloud based email spam filter that will add an additional lair of security and stop this at the root.

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